10 Eco Friendly Activities for Primary School Kids

E co-friendly literally that means not harmful to the environment or earth friendly. It's very important to tell our children how they affect our life. They are very important for human being. Some best preschools in Austin provide many great eco-friendly activities for Primary school kids. ALSO READ: Tips for Choosing the Best International schools in Austin Let’s discuss on it: 1. Make an Ecosystem in a Bottle Would you believe you can create your very own eco-system in a simple plastic bottle! There are many different ways to do this which will help your kids learn about nature and the way things grow. This is a very simple way to do it with your kids. 2. Reuse and Recycle Paper Schools use A LOT of paper every day. However, we can change the way we dispose of and use paper to become more eco-friendly. Providing each class with an easily accessible paper recycling bin will allow the children to think about their waste...