Eight Reggio Emilia Ideas To Inspire Your Early Learning Environment

Even if you don't work at an early childhood education and care facility that is modeled after Reggio Emilia and Spanish immersion school Austin , you can still employ many of the famous method's ideas in your own early learning setting. What Is Reggio Emilia? Reggio Emilia is a highly regarded early learning methodology that was developed shortly after the end of World War II in a tiny town in northern Italy. The concept provides an inspiration for early childhood education and care services that can modify the ideas to fit their own cultures and circumstances, as opposed to being a formal design for early learning. In order to motivate daily learning experiences and interactions, thousands of early childhood education and care services all over the world adhere to the concept and follow the guiding principles established by the creator, Loris Malaguzzi. How Can Early Childhood Education And Care Services Incorporate The Reggio Emilia approach? Remember that becoming "Reg...